
AutoS²: Automatic evaluation and monitoring of safety & security properties for intelligent technical systems

15.07.2020 bis 14.10.2023

During the development of Industrie 4.0, essential technological prerequisites have been created for dynamic production plants based on Self-X technologies (e.g. self-optimisation, self-configuration, or AI). These automatic reconfiguration technologies are capable of e.g. raising a potential of up to 15 % energy savings or 40 % engineering effort reduction. In industrial practice, however, automatic reconfiguration is not or hardly used. The reason for this is that reconfiguration of a production plant always requires renewed certifications. This includes security with a risk and threat analysis according to IEC 62443 and safety with a risk assessment according to IEC 61508 or ISO 12100. These analyses and certifications are time-consuming and are currently carried out manually by experts. The increase in efficiency and the time savings that would in principle be possible through automatic reconfiguration technologies are strongly relativized by this circumstance and very often even cancelled out.


Within the scope of the proposed project, an automatic evaluation system of safety and security properties for dynamic production plants and intelligent technical systems is going to be developed. For this purpose, the information necessary for an automated evaluation will be determined, standardised, and expressed in a machine-readable way. The collected characteristics will be used by an evaluation algorithm to carry out the automated evaluation of safety and security.

This project is promoted by:
Ministerium für Wirtschaft, Innovation, Digitalisierung und Energie des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen (MWIDE NRW)
Sponsors: Projektträger Jülich
Funding Code: 005-2001-0024
Funding Lines: it's OWL Spitzencluster
Employees: Dr.-Ing. Marco Ehrlich, André Bröring, M. Sc.
Dr.-Ing. Marco Ehrlich, Stefan Benk, Dimitri Harder, Philip Kleen, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Henning Trsek, Dr.-Ing. Sebastian Schriegel, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Jasperneite
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