Where IT
The Institute of Industrial Information Technology ( inIT ) of the OWL University makes an important contribution to this success.…
From 13 to 15 June 2018, the IEEE International Workshop on Factory Communication Systems (WFCS) took place in Imperia, Italy. A…
It is located directly at the historic market square of the Old Hanseatic City of Lemgo in Mittelstraße 62: The new project office…
Digitization Minister Prof. Andreas Pinkwart sees himself confirmed in the decision to make Lemgo with Fraunhofer in the lead an…
Industry 4.0 compact: In the course of a basic workshop inIT employee Andreas Schmelter informed about 20 company representatives…
From 27th to 29th September 2017 the annual international Conference on Design & Architectures for Signal & Image Processing…
(Lemgo, 13.09.2017) inIT Professor Carsten Röcker accepted the invitation of Professor Norimichi Ukita (Tokyo Institute of…
New building, new status, new strategic partnership: Our partner institute Fraunhofer IOSB-INA announced its strategy for further…
(Lemgo, 06.09.2017) Within the course of the Westphalian Business Excellence Day the Working Group Production Technique under the…
The Institute Industrial IT (inIT) of OWL University of Applied Sciences is a leading research institute in the fields of…