Industrial signal processing, Industrial Communication Technology

PrognosSense: Entwicklung von Komponenten zur Datenerfassung und zur einfachen Integration zusätzlicher Sensorik in heterogenen Industrieanlagen

Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Oliver Niggemann , Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Jasperneite
01.02.2014 bis 31.07.2015

The aim of the PrognoseSense project is to design and implement an integrable and scalar data acquisition system for distributed industrial machines. Additionally, project aims to implement methods for synchronization of sensor nodes together.

1. A Middleware to collect the sensor data coming distributed sources is developed based on a database with support of big data and historical data and also an OPC-UA aggregate server which is linked to the database.

2. At machines side, sensors data will be modelled and transformed to the Middleware from distributed information sources which are timely synchronized to each other.

This project is promoted by:
Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Energie (BMWi)
Sponsors: AiF Projekt GmbH
Funding Code: KF3206404KM3
Funding Lines: Zentrales Innovationsprogram Mittelstand (ZIM)
Promoted by
AiF Projekt GmbH