In: CASC 2010: Computer Algebra in Scientific Computing, Part of the Lecture Notes in Computer Science book series (LNCS, volume 6244), Springer

Thomas Decomposition of Algebraic and Differential Systems

Thomas Bächler , Vladimir P. Gerdt , Markus Lange-Hegermann und Daniel Robertz,
Dec 2010

In this paper we consider disjoint decomposition of algebraic and non-linear partial differential systems of equations and inequations into so-called simple subsystems. We exploit Thomas decomposition ideas and develop them into a new algorithm. For algebraic systems simplicity means triangularity, squarefreeness and non-vanishing initials. For differential systems the algorithm provides not only algebraic simplicity but also involutivity. The algorithm has been implemented in Maple.

Literatur Beschaffung: CASC 2010: Computer Algebra in Scientific Computing, Part of the Lecture Notes in Computer Science book series (LNCS, volume 6244), Springer
author= {Bächler, Thomas and Gerdt, Vladimir P. and Lange-Hegermann, Markus and Robertz, Daniel},
title= {Thomas Decomposition of Algebraic and Differential Systems},
booktitle= {CASC 2010: Computer Algebra in Scientific Computing, Part of the Lecture Notes in Computer Science book series (LNCS, volume 6244)},
year= {2010},
editor= {},
volume= {},
series= {},
pages= {},
address= {},
month= {Dec},
organisation= {},
publisher= {Springer},
note= {},
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