In: Optical & Digital Document Security (ODDS), Lisbon, Portugal, Optical Document Security

Shaping the Future of Medical Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Certificate Authentication: Strategies for a Standardisation of PPE Certificates

Julian Bültemeier , Volker Lohweg und Christoph-Alexander Holst,
Apr 2024
Literatur Beschaffung: Optical & Digital Document Security (ODDS), Lisbon, Portugal, Optical Document Security
author= {Bültemeier, Julian and Lohweg, Volker and Holst, Christoph-Alexander},
title= {Shaping the Future of Medical Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Certificate Authentication: Strategies for a Standardisation of PPE Certificates},
booktitle= {Optical & Digital Document Security (ODDS), Lisbon, Portugal},
year= {2024},
editor= {},
volume= {},
series= {},
pages= {0},
address= {},
month= {Apr},
organisation= {},
publisher= {Optical Document Security},
note= {},