
Interview with Natalia Moriz at the Info Day for Women: New ways back into working life

On 20 April 2024, the Lippe Info Day for Women took place at the GILDE Centre in Detmold, an event designed to offer women in different life situations support and guidance on their way back into working life. Nicole Krüger, Equal Opportunities Officer for the district of Lippe, interviewed Natalia Moriz at the event.

Natalia Moriz (left) in an interview with Nicole Krüger (right) about the re-entry programme for female engineers and scientists at TH OWL.

Natalia Moriz is not only a research group leader in the Networked Automation Systems working group and a board member at the Institute for Industrial Information Technology (inIT), but has also been involved in the re-entry programme for female engineers and scientists at the TH OWL since 2014.

In the interview, Natalia Moriz spoke about the origins of the programme and its purpose of supporting women returning to work and accompanying them on their way to management positions.

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A "re-entry programme for female engineers" at a university sounds rather unusual. How did this programme come about and why is the university addressing this issue?

Candidates usually contact me directly by phone or email. Sometimes they also find out about our programme through advice centres. First, I arrange an appointment for a personal interview to find out which direction the person would like to develop in. It is ideal if the woman already has an idea of whether she wants to stay in her current job or whether she is looking for a new direction. However, this rarely happens. During the interview, we clarify whether the university can provide support in any way. If so, we will arrange a further interview with an expert in the field. We offer internships and attendance at courses, especially for those who wish to pursue an academic career. Nevertheless, we try to develop individual ideas for each candidate by utilising the university's networks.


How does the programme work, what can the university offer?

Candidates usually contact me directly by phone or e-mail. Sometimes they also find out about our programme through advice centres. First, I arrange an appointment for a personal interview to find out in which direction the person would like to develop. It is ideal if the woman already has an idea of whether she wants to stay in her current job or whether she is looking for a new direction. However, this rarely happens. During the interview, we clarify whether the university can provide support in any way. If so, we will arrange a further interview with an expert in the field. We offer internships and attendance at courses, especially for those who wish to pursue an academic career. Nevertheless, we try to develop individual ideas for each candidate by utilising the university's networks.


Can you name certain disciplines or job profiles where demand has been particularly strong so far?

Originally, we often had female applicants with a degree in biology or chemistry. In recent years, more women with a technical background have applied, especially those who have come to Germany from abroad and would like to work in their profession here.


Can you give any tips or personal recommendations for women who are not sure whether this programme is right for them?

First of all, the person should consider whether she is prepared to learn something new. That is crucial. If someone is coming from abroad, I almost always recommend thinking about whether a degree programme is an option. This is usually a Master's programme that lasts 2 years. At the TH OWL, for example, there is a degree programme called "Digital Management Solutions", which is very practice-oriented. This degree programme is also suitable for working professionals. I have realised that language is often a barrier. A degree programme can accelerate language development. Basically, it's important to make the most of every opportunity.


The Lippische Info Day for Women therefore not only offered a platform for information and exchange, but also inspiring insights into programmes and initiatives to promote women in professional life.

For more information on the re-entry programme for female engineers and scientists at the TH OWL, interested parties can contact Natalia Moriz directly. Click here for her contact details: