
TH OWL sheds light on Artificial Intelligence in the media

In May, Technische Hochschule Ostwestfalen-Lippe (TH OWL) followed on from the successful kick-off event "Adding half-knowledge - science meets reality" and organised a further event on the role of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the media. Under the title "Inform or mislead: AI in the dynamics of modern media", experts and interested parties came together on the premises of the Kreativ Campus Detmold to shed light on the opportunities and challenges of Artificial Intelligence in the media world. Prof. Dr. Markus Lange-Hegermann, board member of Institute Industrial IT (inIT) at TH OWL, also actively contributed his expertise to this event.

Discussing the strengths and dangers of AI (from left): Thorsten Engelhart, Anna Schlutter, Prof. Dr Markus Lange- Hegermann, Anna-Lena Büker and, Katrin Thaler.

The discussion about AI in the media is becoming increasingly important, which the Institute for Science Dialogue (IWD) at TH OWL has taken as an opportunity to talk about current developments, opportunities and challenges in dealing with AI in the media.

Following the introductory remarks by Prof. Dr. Andreas Welling, Director of the IWD, who addressed the current explosive nature of the topic and the mixed feelings of fear and curiosity associated with it, various aspects of the use of AI in the media were examined in more detail in a panel discussion.

A high-calibre panel consisting of Anna Schlutter (author), Prof. Dr. Markus Lange-Hegermann (Professor of Mathematics and Data Science at TH OWL and board member of Institute Industrial IT at TH OWL), Anna-Lena Büker (practice doctoral student in the field of AI in communication design) and Thorsten Engelhardt (press spokesman for the city of Detmold) have set themselves the goal of creating a better understanding of the opportunities and risks of AI in the media world and promoting communication between science, business and society.

Anna Schlutter emphasised her experiences as an author and proofreader who uses AI as a "better search engine" and spelling corrector, but remains sceptical about the sanctity of creativity in her role as an author. Thorsten Engelhardt provided insights into the city of Detmold's considerations regarding the use of AI and emphasised the need for data protection and clarification of open questions.

The discussions covered issues of data protection, the quality of AI texts and responsibility when using AI in the media. It became clear that sound media expertise and transparency are crucial when dealing with AI. Consequently, society can expect a high dividend from the new technology, according to Prof. Dr. Markus Lange-Hegermann.

The event ended with two keynote speeches by Conrad Dreyer, research associate at KreativInstitut.OWL, and Ifeoma Azike, co-founder of the start-up aelai, who provided further insights into the technical functionality and social responsibility of Artificial Intelligence in the media.

The event is organised by the Institute for Science Dialogue at TH OWL and the "TRInnovation OWL" project. "TRInnovationOWL" is funded by the Ministry of Education and Research as part of the federal-state initiative "Innovative University".