
it’s OWL School Camp – Pupils Get to Know Intelligent Technical Systems at inIT

Researchers of Institute Industrial IT (inIT) of OWL University presently receive company: it’s OWL School Camp stops by at inIT and OWL University. The motto is: “We show you, how machines are becoming intelligent”. Pupils get interesting insights in intelligent technical systems and are able to gain their first practical experiences.

Source: HS OWL

Source: HS OWL

[Translate to Englisch:]

Pupils of it’s OWL School Camp practically get to know the linkage between science and industry in Lemgo. Researchers from inIT support the pupils’ first attempt to programming.

Nine pupils from the upper stage (10th student level) take advantage of the autumn holidays from 17. – 21. October and will gain insights in the working field of an engineer. During the first days the pupils did many guided tours (e.g. at KEB GmbH, MSF-Vathauer and Lenze SE) as well as technology workshops.
The staff members of Professor Oliver Niggemann’s working group are responsible for the young enthusiasts. A guided campus tour, visit of SmartFactoryOWL and practical workshop are planned. The young engineering talents gets the chance to program and to do scientific research with the help of experts. With a Raspberry Pi and appropriate software, pupils are getting their first practical insights in the world of Industry 4.0.

It’s the aim of the workshop to independently set up an intelligent meteorological station from existing sensors. The meteorological station shall be able to react to external influences. It can for example regulate a light source according to space luminance.
Since 2013 zdi-Zentrum of Kreis Lippe organizes in collaboration with the technology network it’s OWL the it’s OWL School Camp.

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