
International exchange: Visit from Krakow to inIT

The Institute Industrial IT (inIT) at Technische Hochschule Ostwestfalen-Lippe (TH OWL) recently received a visit from Prof Dr Paweł Skruch and Prof Dr Marek Długosz from AGH University Krakow, Poland. The visit was organised and coordinated by inIT board member Prof. Dr Ulrich Büker. The meeting was used for personal dialogue and to discuss potential cooperation projects.

Cooperation meeting from left to right: Prof mult. Dr Carsten Röcker (inIT | TH OWL), James O’Reilly (international Office | TH OWL), Prof Dr Paweł Skruch (AGH University Krakau), Prof Dr Marek Długosz (AGH University Krakau), Prof Dr Ulrich Büker (inIT | TH OWL), Prof Dr Thomas Schulte (TH OWL) und Prof Dr Rainer Rasche (TH OWL)

Prof Dr Paweł Skruch and Prof Dr Marek Długosz from AGH University Krakow and Prof Dr Ulrich Büker from inIT during the lecture.

Prof. Dr Paweł Skruch is Manager and Principal Engineer Al at the Aptiv Technical Centre in Krakow. Prof Dr Marek Długosz works on complex control algorithms and autonomous systems and developed an autonomous delivery robot and an autonomous electric vehicle with his students.

Lecture on Artificial Intelligence and autonomous vehicles

Prof Dr Paweł Skruch gave a lecture on the Laboratory for Artificial Intelligence and Autonomous Vehicles at AGH University in Krakow. The presentation took place as part of Prof Dr Ulrich Büker's lecture on autonomous vehicles and gave participants valuable insights into the latest research findings and their practical applications.

Valuable exchange and potential collaboration

During their stay in Lemgo, Prof Dr Paweł Skruch and Prof Dr Marek Długosz attended various courses and engaged in intensive discussions with teaching staff and students. They were particularly impressed by the modern research and teaching infrastructure as well as the innovative teaching methods at TH OWL. An international cooperation meeting was also held, at which the two professors from Krakow and various representatives of TH OWL discussed possible joint projects and the next steps. 

Prof Dr Paweł Skruch emphasised: "The discussions were very stimulating and opened up promising prospects for future joint projects. My special thanks go to Ulrich Büker and his team for the warm invitation, the generous hospitality and the excellent support during our stay."

Outlook for future partnership

The visit from Krakow emphasises the importance of international cooperation for the further development of research and teaching. The inIT is looking forward to future joint initiatives and strengthening the partnership with the AGH University Krakow.