
inIT-News Welcome Reception, 10/2023

Welcome to Lemgo: International Master's Students Enjoy Special Event in Historic Monastery Church

Master students of the Information Technology program

Getting to know the students

Exchange in a relaxed atmosphere at the Welcome Reception

f.l. Dekan Prof. Thomas Schulte, Roland Bent, Rahman Jamal, Jürgen Jasperneite

Markus Baier, Mayor of Lemgo

The Institute Industrial (inIT) of Technische Hochschule Ostwestfalen-Lippe (TH OWL) hosted a special welcome for international Master's students on the Information Technology course for the first time in the former monastery church of St. Johann in Lemgo under the theme "LemGO FUTURE". On this extraordinary occasion, the students had the opportunity not only to begin their academic journey, but also to explore the rich history and innovative power of old hanseatic town.

The event, which took place on October 18, 2023, was inaugurated by Mrs. Maren Krüger, pastor and custodian of St. Johann. In her introductory speech, she offered students insights into the history and significance of this historic place. The parish has a long history and is housed in a former monastery.

Markus Baier, mayor of the Old Hanseatic Town of Lemgo, presented the town, emphasizing its rich history and innovation. He conveyed to the students that Lemgo as a university location is not just a place of history but also a location where tradition and modernity coexist harmoniously - an attractive place to live and celebrate.

Prof. Jürgen Krahl, president of TH OWL, encouraged international students to not only enjoy their studies but also to savor life in Lemgo. He stressed the importance of cultural exchange and integration into the local community.

The "Welcome Reception" also featured a presentation by Prof. Thomas Schulte, dean of the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. He showcased impressive examples of innovations from the university's most research-intensive department, including the self-stabilized monorail cabin MonoCAB and a method for early sex determination of chicks. These innovations highlighted the high quality of research and education at the Innovation Campus Lemgo.

Professor Carsten Röcker, program director of this master's program, congratulated all the attending students for being admitted to the program. He emphasized that this master's program, in addition to technical qualifications, offers an expanded perspective that sharpens the holistic view of the major challenges facing our society and our future world.

Following the event, international students had the opportunity to get to know the history of the Old Hanseatic Town of Lemgo on a guided city tour. During this tour, they were guided through picturesque streets and discovered the historical and cultural landmarks of the city.

The highlight of the evening was the joint reception, where students, professors, and department staff had the opportunity to exchange ideas in a relaxed atmosphere and make new connections.

But what does the term "LemGO FUTURE," chosen as the event's motto, mean? "In simple terms, the term describes how people here at the Innovation Campus Lemgo think and work: constantly thinking big and daring to try new things to achieve progress together," explains Prof. Jürgen Jasperneite, the initiator of this event, who is also a professor in this department and the director of the Fraunhofer Institute in Lemgo.