
Highly interesting lecture on quantum cryptography by Martin Leuner

On 7 June 2024, Prof. Dr Markus Lange-Hegermann, board member of the Institute Industrial IT (inIT) at Technische Hochschule OWL (TH OWL), organised an exciting presentation by Martin Leuner, software developer and cryptographer at evolutionQ GmbH. The event met with great interest and was a complete success.

Martin Leuner during his lecture on quantum cryptography

The lecture, which took place as part of Prof. Dr. Markus Lange-Hegermann's "Applied Statistics" course, attracted not only students, but also numerous employees, professors and industry representatives. A total of 33 listeners gathered, so the room was not big enough and additional chairs had to be organised.

Martin Leuner addressed the cutting-edge topic of quantum cryptography and the associated security challenges in the information age. After an introduction to the basics of cryptography, he explained that many of the methods commonly used today could be jeopardised by future quantum computers. Martin Leuner presented various solutions, including the distribution of one-time pads, new post-quantum cryptography methods and quantum key exchange. He particularly emphasised the industrial requirements, the practical challenges and the implementation of these technologies.

He also gave some insights into his work at evolutionQ GmbH and presented the exciting career opportunities in the start-up environment.

Prof. Dr. Markus Lange-Hegermann commended the event: "Martin Leuner's lecture was a complete success and an enrichment for all participants. The exchange between theory and practice as well as the insights into the future challenges of cryptography in the age of quantum computing were extremely valuable."