
Field trip into the Future: The All Electric Society Park

Under the guidance of Professor Dr. Jürgen Jasperneite, international IT master's students from the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at TH-OWL recently visited the "All Electric Society" Park at Phoenix Contact GmbH in Blomberg. The park showcases a vision of a CO₂-neutral world, based on the exclusive use of renewable electric energy and the abandonment of fossil fuels.

The All Electric Society aims for sustainable practices that optimize resources and make them globally accessible. The central idea revolves around sector coupling, integrating various life domains such as mobility, energy, and industry into a comprehensive system. This enables the demand-driven and automated distribution of green energy, ensuring a reliable energy supply.

During the visit, students gained insights into innovative technologies driving this vision forward. Advanced energy management systems and intelligent distribution technologies demonstrated how a CO₂-neutral future can be realized. It became evident that information and communication technologies (ICT) play a crucial role in realizing such an intelligent energy system.

The excursion emphasized not only technological innovations but also highlighted the social, economic, and political implications of sustainable transformation. Broad acceptance and a global approach are crucial for implementing the All Electric Society.

All participants agreed that the excursion to the All Electric Society Park was an educational experience that deepened their understanding of a sustainable, CO₂-neutral future.

Special thanks to Mr. Roland Bent, former CTO of Phoenix Contact, for extending the invitation!