
Successful kick-off meeting for the GraphWatch project

The promising kick-off meeting for the GraphWatch project took place in April 2024. Project participants from the Institute for Industrial Information Technology (inIT) at TH OWL and the other partners from rt-solutions and Hannover University of Applied Sciences and Arts gathered at the CENTRUM INDUSTRIAL IT (CIIT) at the Innovation Campus Lemgo. The project organiser VDI/VDE Innovation + Technik GmbH took part in the kick-off meeting remotely despite the physical distance.

At the kick-off meeting at SmartFactoryOWL (from left to right): André Bröring from GmbH, Prof Dr Henning Trsek from inIT, Natalia Moriz also from inIT, Dimitri Harder from GmbH, Robin Buchta from HsH, Dr Uwe Mönks from GmbH, Prof Dr Felix Heine from HsH and Dr Daniel Mahrenholz from GmbH.

At the kick-off meeting at SmartFactoryOWL (from left to right): André Bröring, Dr Uwe Mönks, Dimitri Harder, Prof Dr Felix Heine, Robin Buchta, Natalia Moriz, Prof Dr Henning Trsek, Dr Daniel Mahrenholz.

Prof Dr Felix Heine has a coffee prepared by robot barista CinITo.

The meeting began with a warm round of introductions, during which the partners got to know each other and presented their expertise in cybersecurity, information modelling and anomaly detection. Participants were then given a comprehensive overview of the GraphWatch project, including its objectives, planned methods and expected results.

Guided tour of the SmartFactoryOWL

One of the highlights of the meeting was the hybrid tour of the SmartFactoryOWL in Lemgo. The existing possibilities and technologies made a lasting impression on the remotely participating project organisers and highlighted the high relevance and realism of the GraphWatch project.

GraphWatch: solutions for cyber security

As part of GraphWatch, the partners are striving to develop pioneering solutions for the detection and defence of advanced persistent threats (APT) in cyber-physical systems. By combining advanced threat hunting techniques and semi-automated anomaly detection using graph-based methods, they contribute to a decisive improvement in security, especially in the context of critical infrastructures. The project makes an important contribution to the ongoing digitalisation and networking of operational technology to cyber-physical systems in the context of Industry 4.0 by proactively addressing and overcoming the challenges in the area of cyber security.

The project is being carried out at inIT by the Networked Automation Systems research group headed by Prof. Dr Henning Trsek.

Project leader and inIT board member Prof Dr Henning Trsek is very satisfied with the start of the project: "Overall, the kick-off meeting was a complete success and laid the foundation for productive collaboration between all partners involved in GraphWatch."


Find out more about the GraphWatch project here: