
Successful defenses

Two research associates earn doctoral degrees

The year 2020 will probably be remembered as special by most people. For Andreas Bunte and Peng Li, however, not because of the Corona pandemic. Because the two scientific employees of the Institute for Industrial Information Technology (inIT) completed their doctorates shortly before the turn of the year and are now allowed to adorn their names with the doctoral degree.

Andreas Bunte completed his thesis on "Development of an ontology-based description for increasing the degree of automation in production" in December with a very good performance. The doctoral thesis was produced as part of a cooperative process between the Bauhaus University Weimar and the Ostwestfalen-Lippe University of Applied Sciences. Andreas Bunte was supervised by Professor Dr. rer. nat. Beno Stein and Professor Dr. rer. nat. Oliver Niggemann. With his approach, the freshly graduated doctor has made an important contribution to the establishment of interoperability with regard to the use of information in modular production systems.

Also in December, the defense of Peng Li's doctoral thesis took place with a very good result. The doctoral thesis on the topic "A Geometric Representation and Similarity Measure for Clustering Based Anomaly Detection in Industrial Automation Systems" was supervised by Professor Dr. rer. nat. Oliver Niggemann and Professor Dr. rer. nat. habil. Philipp Neumann of Helmut Schmidt University in Hamburg, Germany. As part of his work, Peng Li has developed an effective algorithmic solution for identifying the cluster boundary with arbitrary geometry. This approach can be applied to condition monitoring and predictive maintenance in the manufacturing industry.

"On behalf of the entire inIT team, we congratulate Mr. Bunte and Mr. Li on these great achievements and wish them only the best in this new phase of their lives. We are proud to count them both among our team," says Professor Volker Lohweg, Institute Director at inIT, in his congratulations.