
Successful closing event of the ‘Networked Automation Systems’ endowed professorship

The final event of the endowed professorship ‘Networked Automation Systems’ took place in a relaxed atmosphere in the auditorium of the Centrum Industrial IT (CIIT). In attendance were Prof Dr Henning Trsek, holder of the endowed professorship and head of the Institute Industrial IT (inIT), his working group, Wolfgang Wiele from KEB Automation KG as donor, Prof Dr Thomas Schulte, Dean of the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Engineering, and President of the Technische Hochschule Ostwestfalen-Lippe (TH OWL) Prof Dr Jürgen Krahl. Together, they looked back on the goals achieved and the successes of the past five years.

Group photo of Prof Dr Henning Trsek and his research group, Prof Dr Jürgen Krahl, Prof Dr Thomas Schulte and Wolfgang Wiele (KEB) in the SmartFactoryOWL.

Prof Dr Henning Trsek, holder of the endowed professorship, talks about the goals and successes of recent years.

Wolfgang Wiele (KEB) talks about the endowed professorship.

Prof Dr Thomas Schulte (TH OWL) opened the event with a review of the development of the endowed professorship. ‘We were very fortunate to be able to recruit Prof Dr Henning Trsek for this position. He has far exceeded expectations and is of great value to our department,’ emphasised Prof Dr Thomas Schulte.

Review and current status: lecture by Prof Dr Henning Trsek

Prof Dr Henning Trsek gave an overview of the developments and successes of his endowed professorship by outlining the original goals of his research and teaching activities and showing how he has achieved them. He emphasised the importance of cyber security and networking in intelligent automation. ‘Our goal is to research innovative approaches to cybersecurity in automation. This is of great importance for our region. New research projects and their results as well as numerous publications in the field of cyber security are proof of our success,’ said Prof Dr Henning Trsek.

He highlighted the integration of his professorship into the structures of TH OWL and the collaboration with Fraunhofer IOSB-INA in the field of cyber security. He also pointed out the new orientation of the international Master's degree programme in Information Technology, in which he plays a key role. In conclusion, Prof Dr Henning Trsek thanked his working group: ‘Without the great commitment of my staff, these successes would not have been possible.

Founders' perspectives: Wolfgang Wiele and Dr Angelika Heil

Dr Angelika Heil from the Stiftung Standortsicherung Kreis Lippe was unable to attend due to a storm, but expressed her satisfaction over the phone. Wolfgang Wiele from KEB Automation emphasised the importance of cooperation between the university and industry. ‘This endowed professorship is a prime example of give and take between industry partners and the TH OWL. We benefit from fresh ideas and research results and at the same time offer practical projects and support,’ said Wolfgang Wiele. He added that KEB was extremely satisfied with the progress and results of the endowed professorship.

Closing remarks by Prof Dr Jürgen Krahl

Prof Dr Jürgen Krahl, President of TH OWL, praised the achievements of Prof Dr Henning Trsek and his working group. ‘In five years, you have managed to build up a working group with eight research assistants and thus significantly advance the university in the field of cybersecurity,’ he praised. ‘Your work is an outstanding example of very good teaching and successful research activity, including transfer into practice.’ He also thanked the donors for their generous support and their trust in TH OWL.

Project demonstrators and finale

At the end of the event of the endowed professorship ‘Networked Automation Systems’, the successful cooperation between the TH OWL and industry was impressively demonstrated and the achievements of Prof. Dr Henning Trsek over the past years were honoured.