
Dr Marco Ehrlich successfully completes his doctorate in IT security

Another success for the Institute Industrial IT (inIT): We are pleased to announce that Marco Ehrlich, research associate in the Computer Networks research group at inIT, has successfully completed his doctorate. His dissertation on ‘Method for Information and Process Modelling towards the Automation of Security Risk Assessments’ was awarded the distinction ‘Magna cum laude’.

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Dr Marco Ehrlich successfully completes his doctorate in IT security.

Krithiga Ramesh, Benedikt Lücke, Marco Ehrlich, Arne Neumann, Maxim Friesen and Lisa Gebauer in Magdeburg, shortly after Marco Ehrlich's successful promotion defence.

Marco Ehrlich's doctoral defence at the OVGU in Magdeburg.

In his research, he has developed an innovative method for modelling information and processes and formalising security requirements that enables IT security risk assessments for modular manufacturing systems to be carried out automatically. This approach is becoming increasingly important as it significantly optimises the time and quality of today's manual security assessments in an increasingly digitalised and networked industrial environment. 

The dissertation was written as part of a collaboration between Technische Hochschule Ostwestfalen-Lippe (TH OWL) and Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg (OVGU). The work was supervised by Prof Dr Christian Diedrich (OVGU) and Prof Dr Jürgen Jasperneite (inIT) as well as the additional reviewer Prof Dr Wolfgang Kastner (TU Vienna).

Prof Dr Jürgen Jasperneite is delighted with Marco Ehrlich's achievement: ‘It is always pleasing to see how hard work and commitment pay off. Every dissertation makes a contribution to our academic community.’

On behalf of the entire inIT team, we congratulate Dr Marco Ehrlich on this important academic success and wish him all the best for his future career!