
DATIpilot promotes AI optimisation in the steel industry with "OptiCoil"

The Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) has launched a new funding programme, DATIpilot, to strengthen Germany's innovative power and drive forward the development of technological and social innovations. The "OptiCoil" project, which is aimed at AI-supported process optimisation in the steel industry, is now also being funded as part of this funding programme.

The participants of the DATIpilot pitch event in Braunschweig.

Prof. Dr. Volker Lohweg at the "OptiCoil" pitch.

Innovation for more sustainable steel production

Under the leadership of Prof. Dr.-Ing. Volker Lohweg from the Institute for Industrial Information Technology (inIT) at TH OWL and Harald Buchalla from Brand KG the specific aim of "OptiCoil" is to modernise and optimise existing systems in steel spring production with the help of retrofitting and AI-based analysis. The aim is to minimise steel scrap and thus contribute to resource efficiency and sustainability. The combination of retrofitting and AI-based analysis is intended to optimise process parameters in order to increase production quality and improve the energy balance at the same time.

Future viability through cooperation between industry and research

"OptiCoil" was selected as one of 300 out of 3000 projects for funding. The close collaboration between industry and research promises promising results. By combining industrial expertise and academic know-how, the project team aims to make Germany more sustainable as a business location.


More information on the project will follow shortly - we will keep you up to date!