Intelligent Systems

Head Of


Student assistants

The focus of the research group "Intelligent Systems" headed by Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Ulrich Büker, is application-oriented research in the field of intelligent systems. Typical areas of application are automation technology, but also new mobility concepts, including autonomous driving, in which Professor Büker has many years of industrial experience.

Since 2022, he has been applying his experience at inIT at the TH OWL both in research projects and in the education of students. In addition to general computer science courses, he also gives lectures on artificial intelligence and autonomous driving.

Members of the working group are involved in various projects to shed light on current research areas and to transfer research results into application and standardization.

Student work in the Intelligent Systems working group:

  • Student research projects
  • Bachelor theses
  • research projects
  • Master's theses


Various SHK positions are currently advertised. Further information can be found here.

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