In: Handbuch Kraftfahrzeugelektronik, Vieweg Verlag / GWV Fachverlage GmbH

System Verification throughout the Development Cycle

Rainer Otterbach , Oliver Niggemann , Joachim Stroop , Axel Thümmler and Ulrich Kiffmeier,
Literature procurement: Handbuch Kraftfahrzeugelektronik, Vieweg Verlag / GWV Fachverlage GmbH
author= {Otterbach, Rainer and Niggemann, Oliver and Stroop, Joachim and Thümmler, Axel and Kiffmeier, Ulrich},
title= {System Verification throughout the Development Cycle},
booktitle= {Handbuch Kraftfahrzeugelektronik},
year= {},
editor= {Co-author of Henning Wallentowitz/Konrad Reif (Hrsg.)},
volume= {Edition 004/2007},
series= {},
pages= {},
address= {},
month= {},
organisation= {},
publisher= {Vieweg Verlag / GWV Fachverlage GmbH},
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