4. Jahreskolloquium Bildverarbeitung in der Automation 2014 (BVAu2014)
Volker Lohweg and Bärbel Mertsching,The 4th Colloquium "Bildverarbeitung in der Automation (BVAu 2014)" is a forum for science and industry in the German-speaking region for all technical/scientific issues related to industrial image processing and pattern recognition. Machine vision and pattern recognition is one of the key technologies for tomorrow's products as well as the basis of "intelligent" quality assurance systems in manufacturing companies. Interdisciplinary approaches from technology, biology and psychology enable new future-oriented solutions. The increased use of image processing is creating new opportunities at a rapid pace, but at the same time also new challenges to be solved. Particularly with regard to Industry 4.0 aspects, machine vision as a key technology is facing new challenges that will have to be overcome in the next years. These include: low-cost systems that are suitable for mass production; rapid adaptability to any system; intelligent cameras that are powerful, etc. The two research institutions GET Lab - Technical Cognitive Systems of the University of Paderborn and inIT - Institute for Industrial Information Technology of the OWL University of Applied Sciences dedicate the annual colloquium "Bildverarbeitung in der Automation (BVAu)", which has been held since 2010, to this important field as part of the Industrial Image Processing OWL initiative. The series of events, which takes place alternately in Lemgo and Paderborn, has a clear current technical focus and a corresponding depth of detail. Seven technical papers and two keynotes from industry and science provide a good overview of the current state of the art and current innovations in the areas of Technical Aspects of Vision Systems, Practical Image Processing and Algorithmic Approaches to Image Processing. We would like to take this opportunity to thank all authors and co-authors for their high-quality contributions. Also, a big thank you goes to the members of the Program and Organizing Committees for their dedication.
author | = | {Lohweg, Volker and Mertsching, Bärbel}, |
title | = | {4. Jahreskolloquium Bildverarbeitung in der Automation 2014 (BVAu2014)}, |
booktitle | = | {Bildverarbeitung in der Automation 2014}, |
year | = | {2014}, |
editor | = | {}, |
volume | = | {}, |
series | = | {}, |
pages | = | {}, |
address | = | {Deutschland}, |
month | = | {Nov}, |
organisation | = | {}, |
publisher | = | {inIT - Lemgoer Schriftenreihe}, |
note | = | {}, |