TwinERGY: Intelligent interconnection of prosumers in positive energy communities with twins of things for digital energy markets
TwinERGY introduces a first-of-a-kind Digital Twin framework that incorporates the required intelligence for optimizing demand response at the local level without compromising the well-being of consumers and their daily schedules and operations. The main objectives of the project are the generation of new business opportunities and increasing the relevance of demand response optimization tools and strategies within the new generation of energy management systems.
By coupling mature practices for citizen engagement with service innovation in the context of public value, TwinERGY ensures that a wide range of interests and consumers/prosumers are represented and supported in the energy marketplace. Part of the project is the development and integration of an innovative suite of tools, services, and applications for consumers. These enable the increase of awareness and knowledge about consumption patterns, energy behaviors, demand forecasts and an increase of local intelligence via properly established Digital Twin-based, consumer-centric, energy management and control decision support mechanisms. Key use cases are trialed across 4 pilot regions making use of cutting-edge methods and tools. Special focus is given on standardization and policy & market reform as key enablers for the successful commercialization of the TwinERGY results. Additional attention is given to establishing knowledge transfer and exchange synergies with similar projects listed under the BRIDGE Initiative, to further reinforce and catalyze collaborative advancements in research, innovation, regulatory and market issues around demand response, renewable energy sources integration and consumer engagement.
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 957736”.