Our Mission: Shaping Digitalisation

About the inIT

The Institute Industrial IT (inIT) of the Technische Hochschule OWL is one of the leading research institutions in the field of industrial information technology and thus one of the formative research institutes in the leading-edge cluster "it's OWL - Intelligent Technical Systems OstWestfalen-Lippe". Industrial communication, image processing, and authentication, computer intelligence, and human-technology interaction are among the institute's fields of expertise. Since its founding in 2006, the institute has raised more than 40 million euros in third-party funding to support research and development. On average, the annual volume of third-party funding is a remarkable 3.1 million euros. Currently, around 65 employees are working on publicly funded research projects and industrial commissioned research projects. In total, more than 160 bilateral and publicly funded research projects have already been carried out.

At inIT, information and communication technologies (ICT) are harmonized with the high demands of automation technology. After all, intelligent automation is the driving innovation engine not only for the German mechanical and plant engineering industry but also for other sectors such as food technology and manufacturing, as well as healthcare and the digitalization of the community. The focus of work at inIT is on the challenge of precisely capturing, efficiently distributing, and effectively processing information.

Since the founding of the institute, the inIT has been pursuing the vision of borderless communication under the guiding principle Where IT meets Automation, in which information is available at any place at any time in the necessary quality. Computer intelligence and machine learning make it possible to bring networked intelligent automation to various industries. Future intelligent technical systems are thus characterized by self-optimization, self-diagnosis, and high usability and can thus react better to changing and fluctuating market situations. With over 1000 scientific publications and more than 80 monographs, the inIT has excellent regional, national and international visibility. The institute thus contributes to strengthening German technology companies and society.